Energy connectivity of data centres
Year of realization: 2015
The aim of the consulting activity was to define and describe the method of connecting data centers (DC HUB) of the CENTREPOINT VERNE site to independent, sufficiently capacitive and safe sources of electricity (stages 40-250-400 MW). The output of the cooperation was the technical and capacity specification of the connection and its variants (technical concept of network infrastructure configuration, technical concept and connection of production sources, specification of basic parameters of networks and production sources, concept of connection variants), communication and negotiations with stakeholders (ČEZ, as, ČEPS as), definition / drawing of the route and method of connection (definition of networks, marking, methods of wiring and connection of networks), calculation of connection costs, general implementation schedule (used methods of investment cost calculation, general schedule of legislation, contractual security, design, implementation), identification related legislation with direct and backup connection to the source, risk analysis and proposal of their mitigation and identification of necessary permits and statements for implementation (state administration, DO state administration).