EPDOR joins in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Křivoklát Sokol Hall


The festive event takes place tomorrow, Saturday, August 24. Visitors can look forward to a full program that starts in the morning with a communal breakfast at the Sokol Hall. The morning segment of the program will feature a presentation on the history of the Sokol Hall and the local Sokol organization, including an overview of key activities and accomplishments. Future events and projects will also be introduced, along with the goals and strategies for further development. At 11 a.m., a procession will make its way to Křivoklát Castle to honor war heroes at the memorial for victims of World War I and II, and flowers will be laid on the graves of Sokol members at the Křivoklát cemetery.

After lunch, the afternoon program will continue, offering puppet and theater performances, a garden party with refreshments at the U Kolečka area, and an evening film screening at the Sokol Křivoklát Cinema. Optional donations collected from the performances and screening will go toward the second phase of the Sokol Hall's renovation. All information about the anniversary celebrations and details of the program can be found on the TJ Sokol Křivoklát website (in Czech).

EPDOR has been a long-time supporter of the Křivoklát Sokol Hall renovation project, and we are thrilled with its progress. We wish the Sokol Hall the very best for the future and warmly invite you to visit Křivoklát and this significant historic building!