EPDOR supports a conference on the role of gas in the energy transformation
The ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 calls for dramatic changes in the field of energy. Although energy production from clean sources has long been the preferred option by the European Union, it is necessary to take a step back and think about the potential problems associated with the transition to renewables, especially in the context of the Czech Republic and other CEE countries. It is therefore necessary to consider compromise solutions as well. Solutions that offer stability, high efficiency and, at the same time, can become an elegant solution to the increasingly untenable situation faced by the Czech district-heating industry or the future of the coal powerplants. This brought us at EPDOR together with our partners from All For Power to the idea of organizing a conference addressing this issue and shedding light on the pros and cons of gas use in energy transformation.
The idea led to concrete steps and we are hereby happy to announce a conference entitled The Role of GAS in Transforming Energy to Carbon Neutrality is scheduled for 7 April 2020 at the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague in Vysočany, and we cordially invite you to it. You can look forward to a series of exciting lecturs and panel discussions, includeing inputs from EPDOR representatives, concerning technological trends associated with the use of gas in the energy sector, readiness of the Czech gas distribution system, the possibility of converting coal blocks to gas blocks, the current state of energy sources in the Czech Republic and more. We believe the conference will deliver interesting insights from field experts and inspire our clients to take on gas projects, which we will be fully at their disposal to assist with.
The program of the conference and other information including the registration form can be found in the following link: https://gas.afpconference.com/index.php. We look forward to seeing you there!